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Mocha-Cinnamon Shake

Administrator Ingredients

For each glass you will need

  • ¾ glass milk
  • 1/2 – 1 teaspoon coffee
  • Sugar to taste
  • A few drops vanilla essence (optional)
  • A generous pinch of ground cinnamon
  • 2-3 ice cubes

How to cook

  • Heat a few tablespoons of the milk and pour over the coffee and sugar. Stir to dissolve.
  • Crush ice. You can do this manually or in the Mixer Grinder jar with the vegetable grating blade.
  • With the ice, put in the rest of the ingredients (you will have to change the blade to the whipping one.) Blend till frothy. Serve immediately.

Add a scoop of vanilla ice-cream to the shake
Add a teaspoon of coffee liqueur
Add a teaspoon of malted chocolate along with the coffee


Shriram Shankarlal Music Festival
Shriram Shankarlal Music Festival

12 February, 2010 -
New Delhi

Very impressed with your operations keep up the good work.

Haris Arshad (CPCC Nestle)

Great hospitality and congratulation for hard work and achievement so far.

Tim Keller

The educative experience and the hospitality was per excellence.

H. P. Singh (ITOCHU NDL)