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Mawana Social Services

Social Face of Mawana Sugars

The Shriram Group has been involved with community ad social services in the country. Many social and educational institutions could emerge due to pioneering work of the Shriram Group. Continuing this legacy, Mawana Sugars Ltd commenced a series of social development programs in villages in UP. We believe that a social interface with the community is a continuous process and is essential for a long term relationship where we contribute to each others growth and well being.

Mawana Social Services (MSS) was established as a department 3 years ago with the objective of bringing about sustained development in the villages.

The vision of Mawana Social Services is "Working with communities universally to realize their potential by providing inputs and opportunities for socio-economic development and improvement through education, entrepreneurship, health, social harmony and growth"

Community Development Programmes:

Under Community Development Programmes, MSS has initiated the following activities:

  1. Khabar Ghar programmeKhabar Ghar programme:
    Our flagship programme is the Khabar Ghar programme, set up with an objective of making information available to the rural community by making newspapers, magazines and books available to them in their villages. Khabar Ghars are reading rooms, provided by the villagers themselves, where the people can come and read. The magazines and books cater to men, women, youth and children. 50 Khabar Ghars have been set up in the villages.
  2. Urdu ClassesUrdu Classes: "Urdu" -
    A word which is synonymous with beautiful linguistic expression which symbolizes expression from the heart and has been a part of the spirit of India. However, the language seems to be losing its usage if not the classical charm. Hence Urdu Classes were set up with the objective of providing facilities for students to learn Urdu, to increase the appreciation of the language.
  3. Non-formal EducationNon-formal Education:
    The women in the villages often feel handicapped due to their inability to read or do simple calculations in their day to day work like making the grocery list, catching a bus, adding their expenses and so on . Therefore an initiative was taken to teach women basic numeracy and to read and write small sentences through our programme called Non-Formal Education. The programme is aimed at women and drop-out girls. Preference is given to girls and women to become teachers.
  4. v-liabraryVillage Library:
    Imagine children studying without even the basic text books! That is the reality of many villages where we work. A Library has been established to make text books and reference books available to the children.

Shriram School, Mawana

The school is located in the campus of Mawana Sugar Works factory, Mawana and caters to the educational requirements of the Mawana Township. This is an English medium school with classes from Nursery to Class 12th. The school is undergoing a transformation in the academic processes in order to provide a congenial atmosphere for the learning and growth of the children.

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Recently the school moved to a new academic block. This block has modern facilities of the urban schools like a well equipped science lab, computer lab, provision for smart classes, a library, music room and even a fine arts centre. The endeavor is to make the best facilities available to children of Mawana.

The school believes in continuous learning and evolution. The teachers are the regularly trained on the latest teaching-learning methodologies from the best in the country. The school encourages activity based learning.

Shriram Shankarlal Music Festival
Shriram Shankarlal Music Festival

12 February, 2010 -
New Delhi

Very impressed with your operations keep up the good work.

Haris Arshad (CPCC Nestle)

Great hospitality and congratulation for hard work and achievement so far.

Tim Keller

The educative experience and the hospitality was per excellence.

H. P. Singh (ITOCHU NDL)